Then, with all the questions and responses I’ve gained, I would be able to determine if the patient is competent or not. length, 50 to 60 minutes of question-by-question feedback, including opportunities to practice modified responses, All of your specific availability (including time zone) for a 90-minute interview coaching session over a consecutive three- to five-day period, Any details you'd like us to know about you or your upcoming interview. Do I turn a weakness into a strength? Focus on some of your good qualities and how they are related to medical school and a career in medicine. In the case above, the most important factors are that 1) the kidney transplant is ready to go immediately and 2) the patient has already left to partake in a healing ceremony. You are a physician who has just finished your long day at work and are finally able to go home at an appropriate time for the first time in weeks. Tell me about yourself. Plus, your ability to maintain composure in the stress of an interview speaks about your ability to be professional and confident. Here's a key trick: always speak positively about your partner’s performance and more critically about your own performance. If you deem the patient competent, side with them. The story is meant to show something intrinsic about you, not just to demonstrate a random fumble. You are a student working in a free clinic. Set a foundation for a successful career and pursue the best professional opportunities. If you deem the patient not competent to make her own medical decisions, side with the parent. Check in with the performer. “Tell me about a time when you made a mistake”. The school’s academic advisor wants to talk to you about this. What do you do? Between the rigorous medical school requirements you have to complete before even applying to the countless essays you’ll write (e.g., personal statement, secondary essays), you’ll likely be exhausted by the time you finally hit send on your last applications. Here are the top 10 most asked medical assistant interview questions along with suggested answers that will help you be able to confidently nail your interview. Another category of questions will ask you to prove yourself in a team environment. Some of these questions may belong in multiple categories, but this list will give you an idea of what to expect. Who is the most important person in this room? Preparation is the key to putting your best foot forward. What does “success” mean to you? Upon questioning you find out his mother has been neglecting to give him his anti-epileptic medications. Always admit that you have a weakness. But know that in the MMI scenario, you’re looking to genuinely determine the human aspects of the case—is the patient competent or not competent in this case? Various companies, medical institutions, laboratories and hospitals are looking for efficient candidates who are interested in creating and maintaining medical equipments for medical industry. Now, what about discussing your weaknesses? We’ll provide full-length answers later.). Mrs. Miller is found brain dead and is determined to be a perfect candidate for organ transplants. What do you feel is the purpose of medical school, and what do you hope to gain from this experience? You talk to the patient during your next appointment and realize that they’ve been seeing a homeopathic practitioner who has recommend they stop their treatment. In the MMI: Once you’ve gotten inside the interview room, you can begin the actual process of playing out the scenario. Who do you give the transplant to and why? Where have you traveled, and what exposure to other cultures have you had? Crucially, you should think of the MMI interview as a way of assessing your thought processes and situational aptitude rather than content knowledge. What should you do as the physician taking care of this patient? You should also develop an opinion on potentially controversial topics such as abortion or physician assisted suicide. It can be hard to answer the question, “What is your greatest weakness?”—especially when you expected to be discussing the skills, talents and capabilities that make you the strongest candidate for the job. Why should we offer you a spot at our medical school? While we recommend not memorizing answers, because this makes you sound like a robot, it’s important to think about these questions and their answers prior to your interview. There is a procedure that will remove the tumor with no long-term side effects or problems, but the procedure has a 25% mortality rate. Fortunately, he is now near the top of the list and is called into the hospital for tests. Your goal is to find out more information while being supportive. Here’s a process—it’s very similar to the response we’ve suggested for “What is your greatest weakness?”. In addition to the interview support we provide our students through our premium 1:1 application plans, we offer a la carte interview coaching to help you present your best self on the big day. Medical schools hope that MMI interviews will let them better assess your teamwork and communication skills, maturity, empathy, situational responses, and overall thought process. Together, the three to twelve stations assess your capabilities in the following areas: teamwork, communication, self-awareness, maturity, empathy, and critical thinking. • Ask the Experts: Mastering the Residency Interview by ECFMG • Residency Interview Tips from a Chief Resident by KevinMD • Preparing for Residency Interview by the American College of Physicians • Iserson’s Getting into a Residency: A Guide for Medical Students by Kenneth V. Iserson RESOURCES Extreme 2: Give her the pills without asking questions or wanting to know why she requests them. Always talk about how you are working on your weakness. Think about someone who doesn’t like you. Similar to acting scenarios, the answer will fall in between two extremes. You might find as few as four or as many as 12 stations. After being selected for an interview, it can be easy to forget all about the … So, how will you navigate the balance between the patient’s autonomy and her age? 1. On your index card, list events, experiences, or people that inspired you to pursue medicine. What may seem very simple and common sense to you will be foreign and unknown to the performer. MMI interviews allow schools to get a more holistic understanding of how you think. We’ll go in-depth into the nature of each type of station later on, but here’s a high-level summary to get you started. An 21-year-old female presents to the emergency room with vomiting, fever, and headaches. Your Trusted Advisors for Admissions Succes, THE MMI INTERVIEW PROVIDES CANDIDATES WITH AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHOWCASE NON-ACADEMIC SKILLS. You might be asked to simulate a difficult conversation with a family member or a friend, for instance. As she is eating dinner, she suddenly enters cardiac arrest and her daughter who is visiting requests CPR to resuscitate her mother. Find out here! Re-read your application. Too numerous to count and some are great questions and some are utterly outlandish and ridiculous. Explain your guiding principles and how they relate to the dilemma, discuss the pros and cons of both issues, arrive somewhere in the middle, and explain that you would observe the law, regardless of your personal beliefs. Should a doctor's primary aim be to change behavior to prevent disease or treat existing disease? And I find a way to address their concerns. What do you feel are the social responsibilities of a doctor? You’ll approach this question with a similar method as the “weakness” prompt. Provide examples from your recent past. What do you do? For instance, you don’t want to ask questions that you could easily find the answers to (i.e., online during your research – see Tip #1). Her child is currently unvaccinated and is at risk for diseases that are otherwise nonexistent for the vaccinated community. What did they share with you that got you excited to attend? Choose a real weakness (not, “I’m a perfectionist!”) that will not destroy your ability to be an effective physician. In this scenario, your main objective should be to determine if the patient is competent or not. Note that this prompt is short and to the point, so you do not have to worry about any extraneous information. As the physician, you decide that a blood transfusion is required immediately if she is to survive. Demonstrate that you’ve spent time imagining yourself on campus. What was the situation and how did you handle it? Even if birth control pills are taken correctly, they do not block 100% of all pregnancies. Correctly assemble the blocks. The second patient is a 60-year-old female who is an outstanding member of the community, volunteering her time to the poor and needy. Based on the answers to those five questions, I determine how I score the interview. You want to give him morphine, but the medication will likely lower his blood pressure and hasten his death. For non-acting scenarios, you will have to discuss your entire thought process because you will not be able to ask questions to narrow down the specifics of the situation. MMI questions can be broken down into three main categories: Ethical scenarios (with or without acting). Are you being sensitive to the information imbalance between the two of you, without being condescending? To what extent do you owe a debt to your fellow man and to those less fortunate than yourself? What’s important is how you respond to these setbacks. In answering this question, it’s important to avoid criticizing any other profession. Assuming there were limited resources and you had to choose who would receive care first in a major emergency with patients from assorted backgrounds, ages, and degree of injury, who would you direct to receive treatment first and why? Mr. Anderson is still in pain and wants you to end his life. What do you do? What are some current controversies in the area of medical ethics? Does their daughter really understand what is going on? Prompt: You are a pediatrician working in a small-sized community at a county hospital. providing a clear and brief answer works best. Physician must have the patient’s best interest in mind, Physician must respect patient’s autonomy. There may be secondary or tertiary problems in a given prompt, but your answer must address the primary issue at hand. How do you spend your free time? Tell me about yourself. Why do you want to be a physician? Also to prove that you are interested in their program, there are questions you would like to ask the faculty and residents. Once I finish my first year of residency I will be in better position to make decision. If possible, share an “after” anecdote that shows you genuinely grew from the experience. After you enter the office, you take a deep breath. Helps you prepare job interviews and practice interview skills and techniques. What do you think you might lose by having to make this choice? Discuss a book that you’ve read for pleasure. Do not be afraid to ask the instructor to repeat directions multiple times if they are still confusing. They do not present with a prescription, and based on the records you can access, they are not receiving treatment for diabetes. Note that interviewers will continue asking you questions until time runs out—they’ll fill the full eight minutes. You are late to work. Although all of these questions are important, the primary problem of this scenario can be determined by using the key factors discussed above: What do you do if you tell your patient that a kidney is reading for immediate transplant but he refuses because he hasn’t participated in his healing ceremony yet? 1. Why? However, unlike the acting scenario, most non-acting scenarios will have two answers between the two extremes, given that there are two sides that could be “right” in a situation. As a bonus, think about and mention how teamwork is important in your future success as a physician. After a complete physical exam and workup, you discover he has HIV. That way, you'll walk into the interview feeling prepared and confident. If you are a woman, how has your gender influenced or impacted your decision to pursue a career in medicine? Please explain your reasoning. The night after college graduation, you attend a party with your best friend Julia and some other friends. The interviewer knows the solution but can only answer yes or no to any of your questions. The only thing more uncomfortable than talking about your strengths is talking about your weaknesses. What do you do? Now that you have data, let’s go over how you’re going to make your decision now. But the MMI is actually beneficial for you as an applicant. An 18-year-old female arrives in the emergency room with severe blood loss due to injuries she sustained in a car accident. Ultimately, it is not your stance on the issue that’s important. Q7: What is your medical career plan? What do you think you will need to give up to become a doctor? What They Want to Know: This is an opportunity … That’s what you need to focus on. Our educational culture is grounded in core beliefs in the critical importance of graduated autonomy and problem-based learning, allowing trainees to safely stretch their comfort zones and develop tools that will allow them to identify and attack any type of problem in their future careers. Always talk about what you learned, what you did to fix the problem, how you have changed, and are continuously working to make yourself better. Additionally, she requests that you do not tell her parents. What are your ultimate goals as a physician (advancing medicine, contributing to the improvement of global health, making patients and their loved ones as comfortable as possible)? Medical school interviews can be intimidating, but effective preparation will help you feel much more confident. Create the impression that you’re confident, friendly, and enjoying the conversation, and you’ll go a long way toward making a positive and memorable impression on the interviewer. Most primary problems are complex enough to take up the full eight minutes in order to properly address; however, if you have time, you can choose to discuss the other issues, but it is unnecessary to do so. If you are a minority, how do you feel your background uniquely prepares you to be a physician? Now that you’ve covered your bases on both sides of the situation, it’s time to make your decision; again, this will come at the end of your data collection process, and shouldn’t take long to state. Enter the room. You are taking care of a 15-year-old for treatment of severe burns on his arms and hands in the emergency department. In the latter case, you will most likely have to include both sides of the situation, ultimately giving two different answers. If you’re truly stumped by a question, don’t panic or throw out a random (and potentially disastrous) answer. It’s great that you know your weaknesses, but have you done anything about it? Perhaps you’ve taken multiple personal development workshops annually, or you’ve taken advantage of any chance to gain exposure to other cultures and backgrounds. Most Common Medical Residency and Fellowship Interview Questions. The top 16 Medical scheduler interview questions are discussed in this article along with other materials for job interview for example, interview tips, interview questions, thank you letters etc. No one will tell you this on interview days, but you are not being tested on whether or not you complete the task. Tell me about a time when others working with you disagreed with your ideas. What skills do you hope to gain from medical school? Both of his parents are in the waiting room. Students often panic when asked for their opinion on controversial issues like medically assisted suicide/euthanasia, abortion, cloning, or stem cell research. (It’ll be with different partners; you won’t be working with the same person twice). You may also want to mention especially compelling volunteer work or clinical experiences, unique skills like speaking multiple languages, any additional certifications or degrees you bring to the table, or a story that showcases an exceptional level of compassion, empathy, or another key personal quality. Answering residency interview questions essentially boils down to the following: Answer in a way that is consistent with your application materials. Mr. Anderson is currently dying and is in tremendous pain. Excessive details can clutter and confuse the evaluator. Interviews are the third and final component of the medical school application process. You can also find interesting examples and sample answers with each question. Therefore, we will provide traditional, MMI, or hybrid interview coaching based on your needs. In 100% of cases during our 15+ years of supporting thousands of students, we have been able to schedule coaching sessions in time for upcoming interviews. After 20 years in the medical field, what sort of “success” would you like to have achieved? The victim’s nose is bleeding. What experiences have you had working with diverse populations? You would blatantly be rejecting her request, likely to avoid conflict with parents. People, who would it be is just trying to find out more frequently than it should be natural... Case of physical abuse so that you would like to ask why they don ’ make. A manager of a child with flu-like symptoms of impressive strengths touch the boy 's torso Option! Questions ] the goal, in your answer should indicate that you ll... 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