Weapon of choice Il meurt dans un épisode du livre 2 à la suite de graves blessures. Seeing him as a threat to Ba Sing Se's stability, Long Feng contemplated a way to quietly deal with Avatar Aang. C'est une maître de l'air. Directed by Ethan Spaulding. "What do you want?" Sí, te estamos haciendo SEO Negativo (100% gratis y efectivo) Il guide Aang à travers des visions afin qu'il réussisse à vaincre le Seigneur du Feu. Haru. Azula: actually no, fiddles are quite difficult to play, I played you like the cheap kazoo you are. Appa étant le seul repère de Aang de son ancienne vie de maître de l'air, ce dernier le considère comme un véritable membre de sa famille, et va jusqu'à se mettre en état d'Avatar pour le retrouver. When Long Feng was eventually released, he ordered them to arrest the Fire Nation Princess, but they hesitated when he did. The first was a situation in which he overturned a huge slab of ground on Appa in order to capture the Avatar's steed. When Joo Dee confessed her doubt in her ability to complete her assignment, he said the words "The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai", which placed her in a deep hypnotic trance. Elle a été confrontée à Azula et a soigné Appa avant d'être envoyée sur le Rocher Bouillant, la prison la plus sécurisée de la Nation du Feu. The kids battle Long Feng and the Dai Li when they attempt to show the Earth King the vast conspiracy taking place in his city. Rebelle à la tête d'une résistance clandestine réfugiée dans un camp en pleine forêt, il lutte aveuglément contre la Nation du Feu et ce même au prix de nombreuses vies innocentes. https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Long_Feng?oldid=2838870. Amie d'enfance et acolyte d'Azula, elle manie le lancer de poignards avec dextérité. [2] His ulterior motives were exposed by the Avatar when the Dai Li could not hide all evidence of the Fire Nation's invasion from the Earth King, so Long Feng was imprisoned for treason. This is the result of learning Disney's American Dragon: Jake Long's The Dark Dragon and Long Feng are voiced by the same person, just like Jake and Zuko. " Earthbending Long Feng enforces the bureaucratic peace within Ba Sing Se through the use of his operatives, the deadly Dai Li, a group of secret police who employ brainwashing techniques to reprogram any dissident people. Oct 11, 2019 - 5,633 points • 125 comments - Long time fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender. With Zach Tyler, Mae Whitman, Jack De Sena, Michaela Jill Murphy. Long Feng conspired with one of his own agents in prison, reminded that he still controlled the Dai Li. Voix française : Patrick Préjean puis Patrick Mancini. Elle porte un collier qu'elle lui a offert pour ne jamais oublier qui est la cause de cette souffrance. Chronological information Avatar Wan (萬; Wàn) (voiced by Steven Yeun) was the very first Avatar, having lived 10,000 years prior to Avatar Korra's time. Soon we've received our mail or well my friends have gotten … The translation is also similar to the Cantonese colloquialism describing a person or group as "putting on a show of dragons and phoenixes", which means to put on an elaborate show with the intention to confuse, deceive, distract or misdirect. Elle est assez amusante mais, après une enfance où on s'occupait peu d'elle en raison du fait qu'elle avait six autres sœurs septuplées a un besoin constant d'attirer l'attention. Sa maîtrise du corps à corps, ses talents d'acrobate et son sens de l'équilibre en font une adversaire de valeur. He is one of the main antagonists during Book 1. As Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se, his position granted him a special relatio… 6 Could Defeat: Long Feng Of all the villains in Avatar , Long Feng may be one of the most cunning, with his only real competition being Azula. They of course know there is a war going on with the Fire Nation, and are constantly planning their defenses. He had to struggle up the societal ladder from the Lower Ring straight to the Imperial Palace, developing his skills of manipulation and influence. Position Brought to you by 263px 1 Chapter 34-The Black Lion's Fangs 1.1 One Hundred And Forty Miles South Of Etake-Vale 1.2 Down On The Ground 1.3 Thirty Minutes Later 1.4 The Deck of Tortoise Fort One 1.5 Three Days Earlier, Full Moon Bay 1.6 Next Time: Etake Vale "Four hours," Teo thought, "Four hours and we wipe the Northern Vampiri off the face of the Earth. Fighting style Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Il partage avec Sozin, son ami d'enfance devenu son plus dangereux adversaire, le statut d'arrière-grand-père de Zuko et Azula. Avatar: Element Warriors is a beat 'em up game collaborated between Koei-Tecmo and Nickolodeon. Incarnations View all 2 versions of Long Feng on BTVA. Dans la saison 3, Katara part avec Zuko pour se venger de la mort de sa mère. TV Show: Avatar: The Last Airbender Franchise: Avatar: The Last Airbender. "Allow me to introduce myself. Il l'aide du mieux qu'il peut dans ses tentatives de capture de l'Avatar et il est aussi un sage professeur pour le jeune prince, qui est empli de rage et de haine. https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Liste_des_personnages_d%27Avatar,_le_dernier_maître_de_l%27air&oldid=178241906, Personnage d'Avatar, le dernier maître de l'air, Portail:Fantasy et fantastique/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, "The Best Side Characters from the World of Avatar", "Avatar: The 15 Most Powerful Characters (And The 15 Weakest)", "The 20 Best Characters From The Avatar Universe", "The Top 10 Characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender". He is the one pulling the strings in the city's government and uses the Dai Li to make sure that all of its citizens stay ignorant of the war with the Fire Nation in order to prevent a panic. Voiced by Chapter Seventeen: Long Feng. Aang adore voyager et il est toujours heureux d'apprendre de nouvelles choses. C'est l'actuel roi du Royaume de la Terre à l'époque de la série. Elle a été très marquée par la mort de sa mère, tuée par la Nation du Feu. Long Feng Avatar. Dans le livre 3 on apprend que Zuko est le descendant de l'Avatar Roku…. Par la suite Sokka la verra apparaître quelquefois en regardant la lune (ce qui le fera se sentir coupable d'être attiré par Suki). The Boulder. Immediately after her seizure of power, Azula betrays Long Feng and assumes permanent leadership of the Dai Li. Les habitants, reconnaissants que l'Avatar les ait protégés de la convoitise belliqueuse de Chin le Conquérant, baptisèrent cette île Kyoshi. The blue dragon that Zuko dreams up encourages his violent leaning (and has Azula's voice), while the red one tries to get him to think (and has Iroh's voice). It also features a story on how Ozai rose to power, and an original story that takes place after the TV series. In the second season, Aang and his friends Katara and Sokka are on a quest to find an Earthbending teacher which finishes when they recruit Toph Beifong. Aang shows that Long Feng’s leg still has the bite marks Appa gave him in the last episode. Ancienne autre acolyte d'Azula, à l'origine artiste de cirque. "The Crossroads of Destiny" (actual) (chronological & release order)Ruins of the Empire Part Two (flashback) Even though Azula stated that it was his refusal to acknowledge power as a divine gift that caused his downfall, it was his overconfidence that ultimately led to his fall from power. Then we move on to the others." IT. Il apparaît sous forme de fantôme à Aang. Happy birthday to Clancy Brown (voice of Long Feng, as well as Yakone from The Legend Of Korra)! Elle se préoccupe des autres et elle est prête à mener le groupe quand les choses tournent mal. He met with … Long Feng enters his house after a long day of work. Long Feng shares his English voice actor with the Kurgan, Pai Mei, Hades, Mr. Eugene H. Krabs, General Immortus, Buck Rockgut and Montross. As Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se, his position granted him a special relationship with the Earth King as his adviser, but in reality the Earth King was but a figurehead of Ba Sing Se's government, and Long Feng truly held sway over its privatizing affairs. This plan unfolded as a brainwashed Jet and a janitor worked to lead the Avatar and his group out of Ba Sing Se under the illusion that Appa had been shipped to Whaletail Island. Long Feng denied all the charges brought against him, claiming that he had never encountered a flying bison upon being blamed for Appa's kidnapping. As Long Feng, Brown is menacing and conniving, and he poses a real threat to Aang and the rest of his team. Ce comportement fait qu'il s'enlève toute possibilité de recouvrer son honneur, et sa propre sœur est envoyée pour lui régler son compte une fois pour toutes. Cabbage Merchant. Elle a une certaine aversion pour les règles qu'elle trouve absurdes. Successor Il décide donc de le ramener sur ses terres et de le garder à l'œil. Rising from humble origins, Long Feng became the most powerful person in the Earth Kingdom. Despite his imprisonment, Long Feng was reassured by his second-in-command that the Dai Li still remained loyal to him.[3]. Team Avatar’s siege to the Earth King’s palace hall was a thrilling action sequence that gave each bender a satisfying moment to shine along with the arrest of Long Feng. L'un des plus vieux amis de Aang, roi de la grande cité d'Omashu. Long Feng attended a party being held for the Earth King's pet bear, Bosco. "Avatar Aang," the leader called out in a cultured voice. Jeune fille de 14 ans, apprentie Maître de l'Eau au début de la série. Zuko becomes seriously ill and has feverish dreams as he faces a … In a fit of rage, Jet flung one of his swords at Long Feng, who dodged and retaliated with a powerful earthbending move that mortally wounded him. Pierre Francois Pistorio. Avec le Dai-li, Long Feng a réussi à utiliser le roi comme une marionnette et gouverne la capitale. Iroh rêve d'avoir son propre salon de thé. Monk Gyatso. Il utilisera Appa afin de faire partir Aang, mais il échouera et sera emprisonné par le roi de la Terre. C'est lors de ce combat que Kyoshi, grâce à ses extraordinaires aptitudes d'Avatar, sépara sa terre natale du reste du Royaume de la Terre. Par la suite, il participa à l'offensive le jour de l'éclipse et fit partie des jeunes réussissant à s'enfuir sur le dos d'Appa. After he used his influence to get them through the gates, he introduced himself as a cultural minister to the king, and insisted on escorting them, not letting them out of his sight. Il y a un siècle, peu après que Aang se retrouve involontairement emprisonné dans la glace, la comète fut utilisée par le Seigneur du Feu de ce temps, ce qui explique la puissance actuelle de la Nation du Feu. L'équilibre ne pourra plus jamais être rétabli, pas même par l'Avatar. Ask him to lift his robe.” Long Feng … Name a famous cartoon and he probably had a role in it at some point. When Long Feng complimented that Azula had beaten him at his own game, she added insult to injury by stating that he was never even a player.[4]. When his offer was refused, he activated the hypnosis command, forcing Jet to attack Aang. level 2 He later appeared with a large group of Dai Li agents on the lake's shore, where they used earthbending to trap Aang and company. She's terrifying... and inspirational at the same time. Long Feng said he’s never seen a Sky bison. He revealed to them that he was taken to the secret headquarters of the Dai Li, located beneath Lake Laogai.[6]. To preserve the culture and utopian life within the walls of Ba Sing Se, Long Feng explained, no mention of the war was permitted. The blue dragon that Zuko dreams up encourages his violent leaning (and has Azula's voice), while the red one tries to get him to think (and has Iroh's voice). Long Feng served as the secondary villain in. Femme à la carrure impressionnante, elle vécut près de 230 ans. “Unfortunately,” Azula did not address Ty Lee’s interjection, despite agreeing with her. Définitivement changé par cet incident, il accompagna Zuko en exil, le considérant comme son propre fils. Appa était le dernier de son espèce encore vivant. Ses parents ont été tués lors d'une attaque de la Nation du Feu sur son village. Cependant, pour capturer ce dernier, il est prêt à contrecarrer les plans de Zhao, un amiral de la nation du feu, lors du siège du Nord. Long Feng. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. However, as Azula pointed out to him later, he was foolish in believing that he could accomplish total control on his own. À la grande surprise de Katara et son frère, Kanna fut demandée en mariage par le grand maître de l'Eau de la Tribu du Pôle Nord, Pakku. Lo del SEO Negativo es una broma. RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender - The 10 Best "There Is No War In Ba Sing Se" Memes. Lors de la rébellion, elle capturera sans difficulté le directeur, permettant à elle et ses amis de s'échapper.elle sort avec sokka. Voice artist/actors Rodger Bumpass, Jill Talley and speak during 'SpongeBob SquarePants' panel discussion at Comic-Con 2009 held at San Diego Convention Center on July 25, 2009 in San Diego, California. Elle a fui la demeure familiale et s'est jointe à la bande de l'Avatar (dans l'épisode 6 La fripouille aveugle, Livre 2). Chasseur de prime qui fut payé par Zuko, dans le livre 3, pour éliminer Aang, l'Homme explosif, surnom donné par Sokka, sera un des plus dangereux adversaires qu'Aang aura croisés. Long Feng encountered Katara and Toph outside Bosco's party. This is a list of voice actors. Voix française : Pascal Germain puis Patrice Baudrier. He gestured to the men beside him. Directed by Lauren MacMullan. Plutôt piètre soldat au début, ses aventures lui permettent d'améliorer ses capacités, notamment lorsqu'il rencontre les guerrières Kyoshi, dont il suit l'enseignement. Long Feng attacked the bison, claiming that he would "handle [him] by [himself]", but his earthbending attempt was easily thwarted by Appa, who bit his leg and flung him into the lake.[6]. Il se rend à Azula, après que celle-ci ai pris le pouvoir, et que le Dai-Li l'a trahi pour rejoindre la princesse de la Nation du feu. Brown voices yet another threat to Aang in The Legend Of Korra, playing Yakone. My name is Long Feng, Grand Secretary of Ba Sing Se and head of the Dai Li." The list of works are merely a summation as many voice actors work for many different projects that would be too numerous to list. Trending: 2,949th This Week. His was voiced by Clancy Brown, who also voiced other villains like The Kurgan, Yakone, Savage Opress, Montross, Baron Praxis, Mr. Krabs, and Uka Uka. La Foudre 2020 à 13:26 the upper Ring il fut tué lors du Génocide des de! All charges against Aang and his group and reunite them with Appa if they would immediately leave city... And stabilize the government le village de la Terre que rencontrent Aang, Katara et Sokka King for generations apprentissage! Moins, un certain temps… il ne pourra plus jamais être rétabli, pas même l'Avatar... 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