Comment your ideas below. I still believe in the Cerberus theory, that Blackbeard has 3 souls and can therefore eat 3 fruits. Have you noticed how his Jolly Roger has 3 skulls, right? Teach now is a Yonko and has a great crew, it’s strong and hard to control so Teach must be … This would result in him having 1 of each type, which makes him a good final opponent for Luffy. As of now, we know that Blackbeard has two Devil Fruits within him, the Yami Yami no Mi and the Gura Gura no Mi. Kaido is one of the Four Emperors and currently, he rules over the land of Wano. Devil fruits reappear from a nearby fruit when the current user dies. [OP QUIZ] Combine Devil Fruits with their respective Users, [OP QUIZ] Test Your Knowledge On Devil Fruits. I Believe Blackbeard ate the second devil fruit instead of absorbing or any other theories that says he did something else under the curtains. This may be his own tactic of stealing devil fruits as opposed to Burgess’ more animalistic manor. Because encounters with them are rare (especially outside the Grand Line), a number of rumors about them have risen, making it difficult to tell whether some things are fact or fiction; Nami dismissed them as mere myths until she saw the Bara Bara no Mi in action. Oda basically grabbed one real life character and turned him into 3 fictional characters: Edward Newgate (The most badass character in One Piece so far). It has often been rumoured that Teach will obtain his devil fruit in the nearby future, or has obtained it already. Watching One Piece anime episode 740, I remembered that Jesus Burgess jumps around with some sort of devil fruit bag, or maybe just an ordinary bag but with some pattern reference to devil fruits. I have seen theories about Blackbeard taking the Cerberus, Marco’s Phoenix devil fruit or Kaido’s Dragon devil fruit. I recently noticed that Blackbeard sports 3 flint locks. Well, I think Blackbeard understood how to transfer also Paramisha-type Devil Fruits powers in inanimated objects and he used this skill to transfer Whitebeard’s powers in one of the rings he wears on his left hand, which is the hand he uses for Gura Gura powers. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these ships? How Did Blackbeard Get Two Devil Fruit Powers – Explained. Anyway like I said I’m not sure if anyone noticed these Doc Q or Burgess details before so I thought I’d just leave this here. We saw this in Punk Hazard. I have heard about the parasitic twins theory but I have a huge feeling about Blackbeard being a Cerberus Zoan before he obtained the Yami Yami no Mi Devil Fruit. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know Roronoa Zoro? Zu Zeiten Mock Townstrug er als Oberteil einzig ein weißes, nicht zugeknöpftes Hemd mit hochgekrempelten Ärmeln zusammen mit einer gelben Schärpe als Gürtel für seine grüne Hose und einem dunkelroten Kopftuch. His Jolly Roger is 3 skulls, and he gave Shanks 3 slash scars. I know this theory has been thrown around and some people believe that Blackbeard has like an ogre like zoan, hydra like zoan, or chimera like zoan. The Blackbeard Pirates' flag is that of three scowling skulls: one looking left, one looking forward, and one looking right. No featured entries match the criteria. If it is Kaido’s devil fruit (we are almost sure it’s a Zoan) which makes him so strong, I’m pretty sure that Blackbeard wants it. One thing most agree on is that Blackbeard will have 3 devil fruit powers mainly based on 3 skulls his Jolly Roger has (shown below). This sparked something that I didn’t notice before… Doc Q was doing the same thing way before the timeskip, as he offered Luffy an apple and said he was ‘lucky’ because he chose a fruit that didn’t make him explode. Her face has wrinkles, a sloping forehead, a long witch-like nose, a devilish grin, and a square jaw. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these female characters? Consuming a Devil Fruit grants the the person supernatural powers and abilities. Now this is where the bag comes into play. [OP QUIZ] How well do you know Whitebeard Pirates? I think it’s amazing that Oda went this route. Before the timeskip, she wore a striped Impel Down uniform with a V-neckline. Ok let’s move on. There are certain beliefs that prior to obtaining these two, he has a Zoan-type fruit. Fairly straightforward. We saw this in Punk Hazard. [OP QUIZ] Can you name the Pirate Crew by their Jolly Roger? There is a lot of symbolism in one piece and it plays a huge part in the story. Yes, he/she explodes, and I think that is what Doc Q was referring to when he said Luffy was lucky not to explode.Pretty simple, Blackbeard Pirates have different methods of killing devil fruit users in order to steal their fruits via having a multitude of apples/other fruits in a nearby bag or basket. For more information please refer to the documentation. What and why. The crew found the magical item when he was serving under Whitebeard’s lieutenant, Thatch. Fans are hoping that at the very end of one piece, Luffy, with his trusty Gomu Gomu, will kick Blackbeard’s ass so hard, he’s going to spit out the Gura Gura and whichever other fruits he has under his command. Later at Marineford, before the Blackbeard Pirates sailed to Impel Down, Laffitte infiltrated t… I believe that he planned to steal white beards devil fruit from the beginning and was able to find out what fruit he ate from pops since Blackbeard is a longtime veteran. Most also conclude the last fruit will be a Mythical Zoan type and I agree. One piece chapter 830+ One piece theories Like comment and subscribe RELATED: 5 Reasons Why One Piece Should End In The Near Future (& 5 Why It Should Keep Going) The first devil fruit was the Yami Yami no Mi, and the second one was the Gura Gura no Mi. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. [OP QUIZ] Which One Piece character he is? But I have seen very little about Sengoku’s Buddha devil fruit. Here is a short video where I talked about this theory: So let’s start with why do i think Blackbeard has the Cerberus Zoan type. As of now, we know that Blackbeard has two Devil Fruits within him, the Yami Yami no Mi and the Gura Gura no Mi. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize the laughter of these characters? Hmmm 3….the number 3 shows up again. Consuming a Devil Fruit grants the the person supernatural powers and abilities. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize the laughter of these characters? For more information please refer to the documentation. That way, when a Devil Fruit eater he hunts dies, guess where his devil fruit will appear. It is quite possible to assume that the bag is full with fruits. [OP QUIZ] Do you know everything about Skypiea Arc? From the moment Blackbeard was first introduced in the series in chapter 223, many fans already knew that he will take a big part in the whole story. Let’s start with his Jolly Roger (which looks like a Cerberus). He was also released in the One Piece World Collectable Figure series in July 2010 along with the rest of the Shichibukai. I believe that Blackbeard had already ate the zoan type devil fruit, of course I also believe that that zoan is a Cerberus. When he traveled to Mary Geoise, he easily bypassed all the security defenses of the sacred land of the World Government and joined in the meeting for the Shichibukai nomination. I believe that Blackbeard had already ate the zoan type devil fruit, of course I also believe that that zoan is a Cerberus. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Blackbeard’s Multiple Devil Fruits: Cerberus Theory, Shanks’ Ultimate Goal is to Stop the Clan of “D.”. His bare touch makes the ability of any other fruit user ineffective, making this is a power akin to sea stones. Why else would Doc Q, a member of the Blackbeard Pirates randomly have a basket full of apples? [OP QUIZ] Can you put these characters in the correct camp, Marine or Pirate? [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these female characters? Laffitte is skilled in infiltration. In order to steal devil fruits, Blackbeard Pirates hunt with a bag full of apples/some other fruit in order to capture devil fruits. [OP QUIZ] Which One Piece character he is? This means that Black Beard can potentially house all the other top nine users’ power. [OP QUIZ] Can you name the Pirate Crew by their Jolly Roger? Top 30 One Piece Character Sizes – Ranked. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these ships? It is said that the strength of an Emperor is only rivaled by their peers. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know Roronoa Zoro? [OP QUIZ] Do you know everything about Skypiea Arc? I just always assumed BB was hunting tons of fruits to make a Pirate King sized army of devil fruit users. Now it hasn’t been confirmed whether Blackbeard had to kill in order to gain the fruit, but this seems the most likely scenario. [OP QUIZ] Can you put these characters in the correct camp, Marine or Pirate? HOW BLACKBEARD PIRATES STEAL DEVIL FRUITS, Scaling Prime Oden’s Strength during Roger’s Era, Oda revealed Who created Newkama Land in Impel Down. One of the most popular theories about how BB could have multiple Devil Fruits is the Cerberus theory. Let’s start with his Jolly Roger (which looks like a Cerberus). After the timeskip, Devon now sport… Top 30 One Piece Character Sizes – Ranked. No featured entries match the criteria. Devon is an extremely tall, pale-skinned, and well-endowed woman (shown to stand a similar height to her captain, who is 344cm) with her hair in a set of girlish pigtails. It is no secret that the Blackbeard Pirates are on a mission to gather devil fruits, thus why Burgess was even on Dressrosa in the first place – in order to gain the Mera Mera no Mi; and Blackbeard himself has shown knowledge of how to steal a devil fruit when he did the unthinkable and murdered a nakama when serving under Whitebeard all those years ago. The world of One Piece is ruled by the Four Emperors, who are are the strongest pirates in the world. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know One Piece? Blackbeard’s third devil fruit confirmed! Blackbeard: The famous villain of One Piece. I believe it’s full of apples, so that as soon as a devil fruit using target is neutralised, their fruit will reappear into the nearest fruit which would obviously be in the bag. As a prominent character, Blackbeard has multiple pieces of merchandise. Tech wanted to travel the whole world and search the Devil’s Fruits. So basically in One Piece Oda has a theme where the number 3 seems to show up a lot when looking into Blackbeard. I believe it’s full of apples, so that as soon as a devil fruit using target is neutralised, their fruit will reappear into the nearest fruit which would obviously be in the bag. [OP QUIZ] Combine Devil Fruits with their respective Users, [OP QUIZ] Test Your Knowledge On Devil Fruits. It would be cool imo, because he would have a Zoan, a Paramecia and a Logia devil fruit. Marshall D. Teach is an orphan who ended up joining the Pirate Emperor Whitebeard’s crew at the age 0f 12. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know One Piece? He has been seen going around with a bag in his hand. Als sich Ace und Teach auf Banaro Islandbegegneten, trug er zusätzlich ei… [OP QUIZ] How well do you know Whitebeard Pirates? Blackbeard is unique in the One Piece universe. Blackbeard Crew Future Devil Fruits - One Piece Theory What Devil Fruits will the Blackbeard Pirates obtain later in the series? Throughout the world, individuals who work hard enough to claim a Devil Fruit get a chance to eat one. Anyway… What happens when a devil fruit user consumes another devil fruit? Blackbeard was released in the One Piece DX Figure models. She also wore a large magenta cape, a blue pearl necklace, and a purple sash around her waist over lavender cargo-pants and black shoes. Kind of obvious but this is probably where he stores his stolen devil fruits. A possible name for the could be: Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Cerberus. That bag that we see again in the above photo is most probably full of normal fruit, maybe apples (I believe), although I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a mix or maybe even cherries as a reference to Blackbeard himself (he loves cherry pies). Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. Blackbeard’s Jolly Roger is strong evidence that this could be true. No ordinary person can eat two devil fruits, as doing so would kill the user, but Blackbeard somehow managed to do just that and live to gloat about it. My guess is that like in Marineford, he will show up at the end of the war, when everyone is too weak to fight him. This sparked something that I didn’t notice before… Doc Q was … So basically in One Piece Oda has a theme where the number 3 seems to show up a lot when looking into Blackbeard. Throughout the world, individuals who work hard enough to claim a Devil Fruit get a chance to eat one. Fairly straightforward. This topic will never die even after the truth about Blackbeard’s ability to use two devil fruits is revealed. Let’s take a look at what I call the Legend of 3, The original Blackbeard’s real name was Edward Teach but in other parts of the world others called him Edward Thatch. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. Blackbeard knows what Kaido’s power is. Blackbeard originally eats the Dark-Dark Fruit, a Devil Fruit that bestows the ability to create darkness out of nothing. A possible clue to the way the Blackbeards go about stealing devil fruits can come to us if someone noted Jesus Burgess. In order to steal devil fruits, Blackbeard Pirates hunt with a bag full of apples/some other fruit in order to capture devil fruits. A Zoan devil fruit would be the most logical fruit for him to obtain plot-wise. Blackbeard is unique in the One Piece universe. Okay, we can’t say this is the ultimate mystery in One Piece series, but this is the ultimate mystery surrounding the devil fruits. First of all, a quick review on what exactly a Zoan is. This is probably why Burgess had his knife out when trying to kill Luffy in one quick action, and this isn’t the first time we’ve seen this referenced with Blackbeard associates. The ability of Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach to steal other devil fruit users’ ability is totally unprecedented and unique in the world of One Piece. Blackbeard ist ein Mann mittleren Alters mit einem korpulenten Körperbau, einigen schiefen und fehlenden Zähnen, langen, schwarz gelockten Haaren und einem schwarzen Bart, welcher ihm seinen Beinamen gab. Devil Fruits are said to be the fruits of the Sea Devil and that the secret to their power is hidden in the Grand Line. Behind them there are cross intersected sets of bones, in addition to the classic two. He was also released along with Crocodile in the One Piece Super Effect - Devil Fruit User series. Blackbeard devil fruit (Darkness fruit) is one of the strongest in One Piece but it’s not enough so he takes the second one, but how does Blackbeard have 2 devil fruits? It would also make sense for him to eat 1 Zoan, 1 Logia, and 1 Paramecia. He has been featured with the Shichibukai in the series of One Piece Shichibukai Cellphone Strap and the One Piece Super Deformed Figures. Blackbeard will face Sengoku and take his Zoan Devil Fruit! The fact that could prove this is that Marco said he has a strange body, and that would be because Blackbeard has to keep active his Octopus devil fruit to have more hearts, otherwise he would die if he was only in human form, having only one heart. Can therefore eat 3 fruits their Jolly Roger is 3 skulls,?. Hard enough to claim a devil fruit will be a Mythical zoan type devil fruit a... Last fruit will be a Mythical zoan type devil fruit is an orphan who ended up joining the Crew... Of merchandise blackbeard one piece devil fruit more animalistic manor gave Shanks 3 slash scars,:... There is a Cerberus Piece and it plays a huge part in the One Piece and it plays a part! In the correct camp, Marine or Pirate but you Can opt-out if you.! 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