In the morning, she'd clean up the house and then start working on another painting, the portrait of Evelyn and Romas she wanted to give the two of them as their joint wedding present. If the purpose of history be to give a description of the movement of humanity and of the peoples, the first question--in the absence of a reply to which all the rest will be incomprehensible--is: what is the power that moves peoples? Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers. me example sentences. Cynthia didn't give the bastard the time of day! Keep it in the backyard and give it a doghouse? I'm sorry to have missed act one, but I promise a short intermission before I give act two a try. The measure was taken to give him unfettered access to her visions. Why is it good when you adopt a baby that isn't yours, but bad if it's yours and you don't give birth to it? As far as I know, they always keep their word. Dictionary Thesaurus Examples Sentences Quotes ... Give father and mother a great deal of love and many hugs and kisses for me. As shown below, the subject is commonly a noun , pronoun , … She glanced up at Yancey, but he gave no indication he might give her any privacy. In each example, the onomatopoeias are underlined. As long as you remember to include these crucial components -. Cassie, your father should be the one to tell you this, but since you're not likely to give him the chance, I'll tell you. In non- functional linguistics, a sentence is a textual unit consisting of one or more words that are grammatically linked. In the end, we all felt like we ate too much. Maybe this vacation would give them some much needed time together. "Give him an 'A' for effort." He hadn.t even been able to keep her safe when they were together, and he had nothing—not even a home—to give her. We'd give anything if you could stay with us. Nanotechnology will give us metals that don't bend, or bend and yet remember their original shape. When the spasms passed, she turned to the man she had nearly killed... the man who had helped give her that second chance. Instructions Use each of the four sentences below as the model for a new sentence of your own. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Gabe, give me the healer, and get Iliana. In this sentence, "before" is a subordinating conjunction. Was he hinting that she should give more attention to the exterior of the house? Sasha.s words echoed in her thoughts, and she tried hard to give them no credence. I promised to give them your Indiana address tomorrow morning—this morning. He swore on his honor that the Russians were lost if the Emperor would give another division. If that's all they give you, count yourself lucky. I think you'd better limit your use to when Fred's here to give you permission. 2. Aren't you going to give the nice lady the notebook too, Fred? What if the farmer could give every stalk of corn individual attention and water and fertilize each one exactly when it was needed? Reconciling past-Deidre and human Deidre was enough to give him a headache. 3. This sentence is correct because it uses \"I\" as the subject. I don't give a damn about what might have happened years ago! Complete sentences come in many shapes and sizes. Give it to her. Onomatopoeia is extremely useful in written English because it helps authors to describe sounds accurately and makes writing much more lively and interesting. As soon as she saw me, she burst out crying. "There is nothing lacking," he said, "but the ten pieces he has told you about; and I will give him these as a reward.". 38. You know, Jake, at least you could give it a rap. Maybe that'll give us a chance to talk to her. I would give my son much land if he would come to live near me. Going that way will put us further away from Ashley, but it will give us two advantages. But modern history cannot give that reply. He loves fish tacos. "I knew you'd give permission... so I'll tell them," and, having kissed her mother, Natasha got up and went to the door. In each example, the onomatopoeias are underlined. We don't want to give Bird Song the wrong reputation and have Sheriff Jake Weller down here busting the place. For example: It is I who went to the store. 3. Dean read the words Cynthia had carefully transcribed: The night has passed at last though it will be many more hours before the sun shows its golden face to give light to this mid-winter morning. Connie would have told Len about the fact that Yancey didn't want to give her his phone number. Just give me a few minutes to finish this page and I'll read it to you. Give me a call when you have some answers, I said and hung up before he could say more. I'm going over to Telluride tomorrow and give the slopes a one day try. He began to think his own actions had cost him the choice he'd yet to give her: to stay forever or return to her planet. Let’s take a look. A handful of sentences form a paragraph. "She'll give them their money's worth," Dean commented. Examples of Onomatopoeia in Sentences If you are just begining Spanish or are almost fluent, we think that this will be a … "Give" I give up. Whether you are looking for simple spanish sentences, romantic spanish sentences, or funny spanish sentences, our sentence builder tool will assist you. He didn't give a damn about her, and he sounded as if he'd rather she jump from a cliff than bother him. Sometimes it takes more courage to give a child up than it does to keep it when you don't want it. "Will you give it to me, mother?" She agreed to give up her armband, the bond to her sister's family. 5. All Rights Reserved. Examples of Query in a sentence. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Brad came to dinner with us. The door groaned but didn't give, though the wall on one side crumbled enough to leave a large opening. Please give my kind regards to Mr. Anagnos and let him see my letter, if you think best. 127+4 sentence examples: 1. or Is John here? Take hono We all agreed; it was a magnificent evening. Sleuthing mostly, but it didn't take me long to realize that most people give a lot away if you listen and observe profoundly. 4. Seeing as you promised little Martha, I'd best give you a hand. In fact, we don't simply buy more government, but we give it a disproportionate amount of our increased income. I'm not asking you to give up anything you want, Adrienne. I hope that, when I've built up my savings, I'll be able to travel to Mexico. Go when you please, and I give you my word of honor that no one shall dare to cause you annoyance if only you will allow me to act as your escort. She really didn't give a damn if he wasn't used to being challenged. I don't want you to give it up because of me. The defenders were outnumbered and had to give in. So you're obligated to give me the choice. 5. Finally, the object of a sentence is the thing that’s being acted upon by the subject. Examples of Complete Sentences. 165+67 sentence examples: 1. : It has not been thought advisable to give in the English edition of the work all the appendixes which appear in the German. Before you know it, you’ve got the next great American novel in the works! I was a precocious child who at the age of four was already discussing the daily news with my parents. Reminded he didn't give Bianca the rules he gave Darian and Sofi, he retrieved his phone. She sat across from Evelyn, who continued to give her the odd look, and clasped her hands together hard to keep them from shaking as they took off. We'd better watch our step, and not give him any excuse to harass us further. How to use give in a sentence. He doesn't want to give up but he's afraid to even touch the equipment much less pack it up. So they don't reflect the sunlight and give away our position. But when I spell into her hand, "Give me some bread," she hands me the bread, or if I say, "Get your hat and we will go to walk," she obeys instantly. Let's give him the opportunity to speak his piece. Give me a break! Give him some porridge: it takes a long time to get filled up after starving. I must handle this, he said, turning back to give his mate a kiss on the cheek. he asked. They give me a new sense of the variety and capacity of that nature which is our common dwelling. 65. You may have them, if you will give me the whistle. If one of us is threatened, we can't give up the others if we don't know where they went. (George is a noun. You must give in your examination papers now. The subject usually appears before the predicate to show (a) what the sentence is about, or (b) who or what performs the action. It is better to give than to receive. If you give money, spend yourself with it, and do not merely abandon it to them. Damian, why not give him a shot at something? The same instincts that warned her against the last deal with him told her she'd never win any bet with the devil I'll give you the terms first this time. To me, it seems like it would be better to rent for a few more years until you save up enough for a down payment. 110. If they give me plenty of it I'll not complain about its color. Fortunately, advances in medical science have brought an end to primitive medical practices like using leeches to remove tainted blood. he mentally exclaimed at these sounds, and again proceeded to gallop along the line, penetrating farther and farther into the region where the army was already in action. I cared about you and the humans enough to interfere and give you a second chance. Will you give me some? 1. "Give me that letter," said Kutuzov turning to Prince Andrew. Words in a sentence: find it: Sentence generator powered by WordHippo. There are so many couples who would give anything to have that child. You also use \"I\" as a predicate nominative after a \"to be\" verb. Ben, we voted you in so we're willing to give you the ball. How to use me in a sentence. Of everyone she'd dealt with, he was the first to give her a real choice: Life or death. Before you start following the poor woman like in a James Bond movie, maybe we should give the entire Dawkins clan a rest. 'I'll give you grain, indeed!' "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you now," Gabriel said calmly. "What would you give for a reason for asking?" 134. So, you might say, “Claire walks her dog.” In this complete sentence, “Claire” is the subject, “walks” is the verb, and “dog” is the object. A sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something. It is said that the Emperor was reluctant to give Kutuzov those powers. Maybe the money would give her children opportunities they wouldn't have had otherwise. "Give me the Star of Royalty!" Please give him a call. Of all the places to travel, Mexico is at the top of my list. I prayed she'd take my warning seriously and maybe give us some helpful press in the bargin. I know I was doing wrong, but I was so mad, I didn't give a shit. Jennifer never saw her natural father face-to-face and gave the impression she didn't give a flip. "Milk," with a gesture means, "Give me more milk.". The first time he had recourse to his new judge was when a French prisoner, a colonel, came to him and, after talking a great deal about his exploits, concluded by making what amounted to a demand that Pierre should give him four thousand francs to send to his wife and children. It can sell produce abroad for better rates, give farmers predictability in pricing and flexibility on when to sell, and act as a storehouse against lean times in the future. Experience is the na me give their mistakes. I never could understand why she would want to give up her own child. "You could perhaps give Mr. O'Connor the little coins," Effie offered. "If Han hasn't told you, when I give an order, no one disobeys me," he said firmly. she teased, trying to lighten the mood. A sentence is a set of words formed to express a thought or an idea. This sentence-imitation exercise will give you practice in applying the four guidelines for using commas correctly. she answered as she closed her eyes, dipped her head back. "Will you…" She wasn't sure how to ask for what she wanted, the comfort only he seemed to be able to give her. Let's say it was suggested that Fitzgerald come over and give me a helping hand. Take honour from me and my life is done. I give you my word. If I were with you to-day I would give you eighty-three kisses, one for each year you have lived. "Sofi said to give these to you," he said and reappeared just as suddenly. Examples of Enigma in a sentence. Give me a few common tools and some food, and I will do well enough, said the sailor. Give the matter some thought and discuss it. What would give him the idea that she enjoyed having him carry her across the creek? Don't give up the fight. "There are hundreds, maybe thousands of entries," I offered in a weak effort to give her hope. Allows you to avoid the complexity of very short sentences. Examples of Precocious in a sentence. When he didn't give any indication that he heard, she threw the covers back. It is better to give than to receive. Did someone give them my license plate number? At that moment it seemed to him that he was chosen to give a new direction to the whole of Russian society and to the whole world. "Just give Mr. O'Connor a message," Mrs. Worthington said. In this case, \"I\" is the subject of the sentence - the person who performed the action of going to the store. Let's give the mules a rest while I look over our back trail. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you now," he repeated. I wouldn't give it up for a million dollars, just like I wouldn't sell my left arm for a million dollars. Sometimes to understand a word's meaning you need more than a definition. In her absence Nicholas allowed himself to give his little daughter a gallop round the room. Come on, don't shoot it down before you give it a try. Example sentences with the word give. Worse, she wasn't about to give the creature that tricked her into Hell and turned her Immortal an ounce of compassion. shouted he, hitting the first man who came in his way a swinging blow on the back. Give me another example. Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you to learn faster by listening to native Spanish speakers. Don't give me that 'happily married' bullshit. Perhaps it will give Edith enough time to go to the authorities and force him to stay away. Examples of Idolize in a sentence. Beyond these basic elements, a complete sentence must also express a complete thought. Examples of Omit in a sentence. Short example: She walks. Did I give Jonathan his fair share of attention? and a healthy dose of punctuation – you’ll be well on your way to sentence mastery. "We all thought the name was perfect," Alex said, refusing to give her concern credence. Solving means finding a value for the variable that makes the sentence true. Complete sentences come in many shapes and sizes. I think so, but she began asking questions so quickly she didn't give me time to ask. Both of them are at that level of not worrying about missing any meals but they're not big spenders—maybe five to ten mil bracket, give or take—no real debts. Give them that corn if there is enough of it. I give the Latin on account of the savoriness of the trivial name. At first he watched the serfs, trying to understand their aims and what they considered good and bad, and only pretended to direct them and give orders while in reality learning from them their methods, their manner of speech, and their judgment of what was good and bad. Any indication that he would give another division Fitzgerald come over and give the Cossack a horse and out... Young people had begun to idolize him for his trouble, Donnie star athlete that... You permission, '' I said without thinking finish this page provides example sentences the... A horse and bring the man to give these to you a plan but 's! Keep their word calls stupid and this other Abbott person just so she live! Young people had begun to idolize the pop singer and had posters of them her... Has not been thought advisable to give this Deidre a chance to put your public straight as I I. 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