Massage these areas gently. This is where essential … Follow. One of the quickest and most effective ways to reduce fever is with holy basil. Chinese medicinal practice use bergamot oil to solve digestive disorders. These three essential oils contain properties that help reduce inflammation of the skin in only a few minutes. comes from the citrus fruits of the bergamot plant. Make sure the child does not touch the areas with the oil because they may end up rubbing their eyes with the same hands. You should also support yourself nutritionally by consuming immune boosting foods and teas like echinacea with elderberry. It may immediately soothe the nerves, relax the minds and make you forget all about stress. For Those Who Want Results: 6 Supplements to Consider Taking if You Work Out a Lot, 6 Tips to Make Vaping as Safe as Possible, Supply and Demand: 10 Solid Reasons Why Salmon Farming Is the Way to Go, 6 Key Differences between Healthy and Unhealthy Foods. Cinnamon Bark essential oil is a warming oil that increases circulation, kills viruses, reduces inflammation, and stimulates the immune system. As if all these are not enough, eucalyptus is also an antipyretic [25]. Tips to reduce fever in child naturally Dhwani Vora . Never give the little one a bath in cold water as this may cause chills which in turn will also increase the fever… It is known as a febrile seizure. Breaking a fever can take time. Skin Care. As alarming as it may sound, it does not cause any brain damage thankfully. You want to divert all your body’s energy to healing which is why extra stress can be detrimental. It is the biggest producer of medicinal plants [, Eucalyptus is one of the most popular Indian herbs for treating many illnesses [, As if all these are not enough, eucalyptus is also an antipyretic [, This oil also possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Diffuse into the air an hour before bedtime. These are usually known as acetaminophen or paracetamol in many countries. Jun 9, 2014 - Find out how to drop a dress size this month with green smoothies! Dilute with a carrier oil and rub on the neck and armpits. Shake to blend. Place a teaspoon of a carrier oil like olive, almond, coconut, etc. It works in the same way as common medications prescribed for fever such as acetaminophen. Read Next: 11 Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of a Fever. Lavender is traditionally used as an antipyretic, according to a 2015 review [29]. Peppermint oil is very useful in relieving and reducing symptoms or fever and respiratory ailments. It is also safe for children. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. That is why our family choses to never use a substance like Tylenol for fevers because you are shooting the body in the foot before the race. It may kill infection-causing microbes, which may be a possible reason for the fever [11]. [41]. Certain essential oils shouldn’t be used for babies like peppermint and eucalyptus because it can affect their lungs. Add 1-2 drops to warm water or coconut milk an hour before bed. You may find that you are not hungry when you have a fever. In Nigeria, traditional healers make use of this oil to lower body temperature. It is full of. A fever may go away on its own in 2 days. Browse more videos . [, Moreover, bergamot oil stimulates hormone secretions and raises body temperature. Other drugs that can are alternative to paracetamol is ibuprofen and diclofenac. Repeat the treatments twice or thrice daily to relieve your fever. [7, 8]. We all love eucalyptus for its minty aroma and cooling effect on the skin. Prevention/Solution. Using these amazing essential oils may come handy in curing a normal fever at home. If the child has blue-tinged lips or is complaining of being dizzy or light-headed, go to the emergency room or call 911. Eugenol has a strong antipyretic, something that can be of great use for you if you’re suffering from fever [21]. This information is for educational purposes only. The ability of this herb to lower body temperature is similar to that of aspirin. Because of the cooling effect of this oil, it is an excellent natural treatment to bring down a fever in children. Those who cannot tolerate the unpleasantness of fever may get relief from frankincense. Repeat several times a day until temperature drops. In most cases, doctors don't advise giving children over-the-counter cough suppressants. [, Bergamot oil helps in the production of serotonin or happiness hormone in your body. Furthermore, lemon essential oil also is a great treatment for fatigue as it is an energizing essential oil. Apply the mixture on your child’s chest, feet, palms, back and neck prior to bedtime. Moreover, it is a proven antibacterial agent. RELATED: 11 Simple Home Remedies for Nasal Congestion (& How to Use Them). Skin Care Products. To sponge your child, place him in his regular bath (tub or baby bath), but … Please consult a physician for serious health concerns. If your little one is experiencing symptoms, try these home remedies to help reduce your baby's fever. 1. Moreover, breathing in the aroma of the oil to clear your sinuses and relax the mind. Stay Hydrated: Rule #1 is to stay properly hydrated. Put this on your forehead. [. Cooking Essentials: Are There Any Differences Between Regular and Extra Virgin Olive Oil? comes from the peel of lemons through the steam distillation. [1, 2]. Cover the jar with its lid. Peppermint oil is very useful in relieving and reducing symptoms or fever and respiratory ailments. Don’t Overdress. Using essential oils for fever may lower your excessive body temperature. Aspirin, for adults only. According to International Journal of Food Microbiology Lemon oil is the single most powerful antimicrobial agent among all other essential oils. This is a good time for a Disney marathon! Repeat several times a day until temperature drops. Method of using eucalyptus essential oil for fever relief: Dissolve 3 drops of eucalyptus oil and 2 drops of lavender oil in a bowl of cold water. Using a cloth dipped in the water, give yourself a sponge bath from head to toe. {Dilute well in children and avoid in kids under 30 months.} Oils like lavender and chamomile are very calming, and eucalyptus has powerful immune and respiratory actions. ]. Your body temperature will go down immediately once you’ve resolved the cause of fever. It is important to remember that although fevers can be scary, they are merely a symptom of a problem and not the problem themselves. Search. The use of lavender essential oil has been shown to be safe for young ones experiencing colic, which causes crying and spasms. Lemongrass oil is also an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Sandalwood has the ability to tone down the temperature of the body. There are many different natural remedies that can be used to support the body during a feverish illness. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. For adults, running a fever of more than 103 F is alarming. But the difference is that in holy basil, there are no adverse effects even after long-term use [10]. Home remedy for fever using bergamot oil: Rub 2-3 drops of bergamot oil on your palm and massage it gently on your neck and temples. (source) This oil works best in combination with Eucalyptus essential oil. Feb 9, 2019 - Apply diluted oil to bottoms of feet to reduce fevers naturally. The herbal oil is rich in antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, and antimicrobial properties. My best recommendation is to eat high-value, easy-to-digest foods like green smoothies and homemade bone broth. Even though many older infants develop high fevers with minor illnesses, if a newborn has a fever higher than 100.4 °F, when taken rectally, you should consider talking to your child’s doctor. Bergamot fruits are also called a mutation of lemon. We create high quality contents on natural health and wellness topics. Squeeze out excess water. Mix well. These essential oils for fever are good to lower body temperature and related symptoms. your own Pins on Pinterest When you have a fever, it means that the body is trying to combat some infectious diseases. How to reduce fever with Peppermint or Ledum essential oil. Any fever in a child with a compromised immune system. Essential oils to use: To help reduce fever - chamomile, black pepper, peppermint, hyssop, lemon and tea tree. Here are some ways to bring down a fever in a baby, plus signs that it's time to seek medical help. Drink the concoction once a day until the fever is gone. India is the “botanical garden of the world”. The best way to stay hydrated is by drinking a mix of water, bone broth, and coconut water to replenish electrolytes. Essential oils can be a powerful tool for treating fevers at home. Another effective way to alleviate fever is with sandalwood oil. Essential oils are very cooling, and especially peppermint has historically been used for fever control. You can apply an essential oil topically by diluting it with a carrier oil. Jan 12, 2018 - You can use some essential oils to reduce fever naturally, without messing with the body's natural defense mechanism. It sometimes does. In all my research, I have not found any scientific evidence that a fever is something we should fear but rather a sign of a healthy immune system, even high fevers. It has potent antipyretic and sedative activities [25, 27]. Required fields are marked *. Add 3 drops of organic peppermint essential oil in an epsom salt bath. Mar 21, 2017 - How To Reduce Kid’s Fevers Naturally With Essential Oils The main compound in clove is eugenol, which makes up 70 to 85 percent of its oil extract [20]. Carom Seeds with Holy Basil. Any fever over 104 degrees Fahrenheit. [42]. Chamomile has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. All of this helps to kill viruses and bacteria and carry them out of the body. Now apply the oil solution on your forehead and neck and massage gently. Peppermint’s cooling properties are also useful for toning down a fever [16]. The biggest concern is to stay on top of hydration by replacing fluids and electrolytes. The main chemical compound in Eucalyptus Radiata is 1,8-Cineole & alpha-terpineol. The sweet, fresh and spicy scent can uplift your mood when you are down with a fever. It will help detoxify your body with its antioxidant properties. 8 Tips to Follow When Purchasing CBD Online, Things to do When You Are Anxious About Coronavirus, Mouthwatering Classic Coffee Cake Recipe You Can Try at Home. (1, 2). Along with some garlic,it can do wonders to cure your child’s fever. The therapeutic oil originates from cold pressing the peels of the citrus fruits. Soak in a warm epsom salt bath and add 3-5 drops of Frankincense essential oil. on a cold towel. [, There are other ailments that can come along with fever. As it turns out, frankincense oil is one of the best essential oils for fever in children [22]. The Difference Between Midwifery Care vs OBGYN, Healthy Gluten-Free Zucchini Bread Recipe, Adrian’s Natural Birth Story: A Positive Home Birth, How I am Practicing Wellness and Self-Care in 2020, How I am Preparing for Natural Childbirth. Put a few drops on the back of your neck and on the bottom of your feet. Also Read: 11 Health Benefits of Lavender Oil. Thanks for sharing the article, keep it up, Your email address will not be published. This is indeed true. Ravintsara Essential Oil or Cinnamomum camphora is another effective home remedy for fever, cold, flu, and chills. (source). Other oils … It is the biggest producer of medicinal plants [25]. For children A great essential oil fever reducer blend for children … High fever, severe headache, unusual sensitivity to bright light, etc. Light clothing and lower room temperatures. 1. Tea tree oil has extensive medical uses among the Australian aborigines. You may experience. [40]. While a fever can be uncomfortable, it is possible to comfort the person who is ill without reducing the fever. It’s an aromatic herb commonly used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Black pepper essential oil is another warming oil that helps increase circulation and sweating. . Mix in 2 tsp of coconut oil and rub on the palms of hands, soles of feet, and back of neck. Log in. How to reduce fever with Peppermint or Ledum essential oil. As we spoke about before, fevers are beneficial for the body to fight infection, they are just uncomfortable. It also provides a cooling effect and works well in conjunction with peppermint essential oil. This rising warmth may make you sweat and relieve you from the fever. Frankincense essential oil was one of the gifts the Maji gave to baby Jesus and for good reason! In a 2016 study, tea tree oil was able to bring down swelling, redness, irritation, and pain from allergic skin reactions. It can efficiently tone down body temperature and ease the discomfort of fever. These therapeutic oils may relieve other related symptoms of fever as well. 5 Major Benefits for Mothers Becoming Self-Reliant for Health. You can learn more about us in our "Meet the Team" page. If the fever is on account of a commonly known bacteria or virus, you can adopt natural methods of healing. Moreover, bergamot oil stimulates hormone secretions and raises body temperature. Lemon oil may purify your body inside out. Some people would let fever resolve on its own. Fever in babies and children may even trigger febrile seizures. If those conditions aren't met, you can treat a fever naturally at home and keep from over-medicating your kids. Before you leave: I recommend that you always perform a skin patch test when you try a new oil. 15 Data show beneficial effects on certain components of the immune system in fever, and limited data have revealed that fever actually helps the body recover more quickly from viral infections, although the fever may result in discomfort in children… People used in many parts of the world. 6 years ago | 62 views. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an illness but is actually a symptom. Soothing inflammation on the skin and in the body may help reduce a fever. How can you reduce a fever in your child naturally? This part of the brain is in charge of regulating body temperature [, Several studies have proved that holy basil has potent, Indian researchers claim that holy basil may reduce fever due to typhoid and diarrhea [, They also confirm holy basil’s anti-inflammatory actions for chronic inflammation [, The ability of this herb to lower body temperature is similar to that of, But the difference is that in holy basil, there are no adverse effects even after long-term use [, You may use this remedy for a long time, and you don’t have to worry about putting your health at risk [, Moreover, it is a proven antibacterial agent. It contains phenolics, monoterpenes, and other substances. It also prevents recurrence of fever in children. Essential oil blends. Dilute 3-4 drops of ravintsara oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil. Researchers claim that these oils are both safe and effective to treat fever at home. For children A great essential oil fever reducer blend for children involves mixing 3 drops each of lavender and lemon oils with an ounce of a carrier oil … Repeat the remedy twice a day until the fever is gone. Cover the jar with its lid. Chamomile. The powerful antibacterial and antiviral compounds of the oil may relieve fever and related symptoms fast. Turmeric milk. [, You have a fever if your body temperature goes above 37.5 degrees C (99.5 degrees F) [, Fever may be a good thing. With that in mind then, what are some of the best essential oils for fever? At the same time, it may ease pain and discomfort. This is not the time to clean the house, fill up your daily schedule, or go to work. Dip sponge and rub gently on body starting from the neck. How to use lemongrass oil for reducing fever: Dilute 3 to 4 drops of lemongrass oil in 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Dill Seeds Dill seeds contain monoterpenes and flavonoids which act as an antimicrobial agent to fight against viral fever by effectively reducing body temperature. Lemongrass is a perennial grass. Fevers are the body’s natural defense mechanism to fight off infection. Recent studies have shown sandalwood oil has astringent and fever-reducing effects [28]. Put the cold towel on the back of your neck. The oil contains antimicrobial, antiviral, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties. Eucalyptus is one of the most popular Indian herbs for treating many illnesses [25]. It may provide relief from pain and at the same time alleviate swelling in any part of the body [, Garlic is a proven antiviral and antibacterial, as reported in several studies [, It’s highly effective in combating the influenza virus, which is one of the most common causes of fever [, Indian scientists claim garlic as one of the most effective herbal remedies for fever [. What turns you on? Essential oils of black pepper, ginger, lemongrass, thyme and chamomile are good for chills while essential oils of peppermint, eucalyptus, basil and spearmint are good for reducing fever. while suffering from a fever. How to reduce fever with Peppermint or Ledum essential oil. According to a study, black cumin has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties [33]. It’s an aromatic herb commonly used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Squeeze out excess water. The therapeutic oil originates from cold pressing the peels of the citrus fruits. In fact, lemongrass oil works in a similar way as paracetamol (antipyretic) [35]. Scientifically bergamot is known as Citrus Bergamia. Add 5 drops of clove oil to the cold towel. These natural components are beneficial for viral or bacterial infections. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. You can also ingest some essential oils safely by placing a drop in some water or inside a vegetable capsule. Chamomile has been used for thousands of years without adverse effects and is very safe. Add a few drops of lemon EO to a warm wash cloth and drape across your face for a few breaths. However, you should still be careful when giving your child a cool bath during fever. Sandalwood is a traditional Indian herb. Then, cup your hands and breath in the aroma slowly. Leave the mixture undisturbed for 2 minutes. If you have a baby dealing with fever you can lay them on your chest while you both soak in this bath. May cause skin sensitivities so dilute well with a carrier oil if you use it topically. We provide trustworthy natural health, wellness and beauty contents for you. Here’s how you may use garlic essential oil to reduce fever: Boil water in a pot. Cinnamon Bark. They also confirm holy basil’s anti-inflammatory actions for chronic inflammation [9]. It may treat other symptoms that accompany fever [, Recently, scientists have tested the efficacy of an herbal formulation to treat malaria [, Lemongrass oil was one of the key ingredients in the formulation [, In fact, lemongrass oil works in a similar way as paracetamol (antipyretic) [, Lemongrass oil is also an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. How to use lavender essential oil fever reducer: Dilute 3-4 drops of lemon oil with 1 tablespoon of your favorite carrier oil. [42]. Wring it to squeeze excess water. And cooling effect of this oil is for treating fever: Boil in. Important when you are better off of this herb to lower body temperature related! Harm their young body the steam distillation recently, scientists have tested efficacy. Speed up the recovery trigger a rare, but it may ease and. That frankincense has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties [ 9 ] repel moths - why a symptom is... 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